MetroVisionLab Toolbox for Camera Calibration and Simulation |
METROVISIONLAB package for camera calibration has been developed, designed and implemented by:
The METROVISIONLAB package runs on MATLAB 7.0 or higher. MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
METROVISIONLAB for Camera Calibration and Simulation |
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Case Studies: Case 1. Introduction to MVL. Algorithms review and calibration gauge objects. Case 2: Error sources and error propagation. (In translation) Case 3: Sample applications. (In translation) |
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METROVISIONLAB is a toolbox developed for testing, from real or synthetic data, the behaviour of the main camera calibration techniques for use in machine or computer vision and dimensional metrology.
The main tasks that you can perform with METROVISIONLAB are shown in Fig. 1.
2.- Automatic generation of pairs of global and screen point coordinates of the calibration object. Analysis of best calibration positions. 3.- Variation of calibration parameters and its influence over camera image capture. 4.- Analysis of error mechanisms and parameter influence over camera calibration models. Monte Carlo analysis. 5.- Camera calibration from real and simulated data sets. 6.- Simulation of Gaussian noise in screen coordinates and in calibration gauge object. 7.- Accuracy analysis of calibration models for its use in dimensional metrology. 8.- Experimental points data sets verification and validation. 9.- Training exercises and computer vision teaching tasks for engineering students.
To start METROVISIONLAB for Camera Calibration type in MATLAB command window:
>> Main Interface
>> Configuration tools
>> View window
>> Menu structure and commands
>> Files menu
Establishes default values for camera characteristics, Tsai parameters and calibration object. This command is also executed when you press RESET button at the bottom of the main windows.
Opens a MetroVision Lab file (*.gen) and loads all configuration parameters to the interface.
Saves all configuration parameters of the current test in a MetroVision Lab file (*.gen) to be recovered executing the Open test command.
Loads a Tsai calibration file (*.cal). This file contains Tsai parameters that are loaded in the interface. Points in the view window are updated according to the loaded Tsai parameters.
Saves current Tsai parameters of the interface to a Tsai calibration file (*.cal).
Saves X, Y, Z global coordinates and corresponding u, v screen coordinates for the points obtained with current configuration parameters and showed in the view window. This command generates a Calibration points (*.pto) file.
Captures and saves a image (*.bmp) of the view window to a file.
>> Cameras menu
>> Calibration points menu
-Load points (X, Y, Z)- When checked, this options loads the calibration points from a Calibration points (*.pto) ascii file and updates the view window according to configuration parameters. Each row of that file represents the global coordinates of the point in the format: X Y Z X Y Z … X Y Z If you use this generation mode in a file with more than three columns (e.g. X Y Z u v), only the first three columns are loaded according to the specified format.
When checked, this options loads the calibration points from a Calibration points (*.pto) ascii file and updates the view window according to configuration parameters. Each row of that file represents the global and screen coordinates of the point in the format: X Y Z u v X Y Z u v … X Y Z u v This mode allows to load global and screen coordinates pairs of calibration points to test the calibration algorithms.
-Chessboard (only coplanar)- When checked, a chessboard is used as gauge calibration object, providing the calibration points according with the values specifiend in the CALIBRATION OBJECT frame. When this generation technique is used, some options in this frame are disabled, since it is only allow to use the chessboard as gauge object with coplanar calibration points.
It is the default generation mode for the calibration points. When checked, the calibration object points showed in the view window are controlled by the parameters specified in the CALIBRATION OBJECT frame.
>> Calibration models menu
The results of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters and transformation matrix terms obtained are shown after each calibration (Fig 4.). Also, caracteristic parameters depending on the calibration method chosen are shown. You can save the calibration results to a file for later analysis.
In the Results window, it is possible to represent graphical results of the calibration (Fig. 5). This option shows graphs for the reconstruction errors of the calibration points, both in image coordinates and world coordinates. This tool is suitable to obtain characteristic parameters of the calibration carried out, and to have an overall idea of the later measurement error with the current calibration. The button “Save Reconstruction Errors” saves to file the reconstruction error for the calibration points used in each coordinate.
Figure 5. Reconstruction errors for the calibration points in image and world coordinates.
Those commands allow to study the influence of error sources over calibration model chosen and the behaviour of the different calibration models.
>> Help menu
Shows general information about the Toolbox.
>> DLT Model (Direct Linear Transformation)
It is based on the colineality between a point expressed in world frame , its equivalent in image frame coordinates and the central projection point of the camera. |
DLT calibration consist of calculate the eleven parameters, and since each point provides two equations, a minimum of six points to calibrate is necessary.
To improve the results obtained by this method is necessary to include in the above equations the correction of errors caused by optical lenses distortion and deviation of the optical center.
Where , and correspond to the distortion correction, and and to the deviation of the optical center. By increasing the number of parameters in order to solve the equations system, it is necessary to increase the minimum calibration points up to eight.
Once obtained the coefficients of DLT method, it is possible to calculate intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the calibrated camera. With the above coefficients, whether the optical defects have been corrected or not, you can create the following projection matrix:
Terms of matrix have correspondence with the terms of the rotation matrix , , except an scale factor. It must meet that:
Therefore, one can calculate the scale factor as:
Once normalized , matrix, the parameters of the camera can be calculated.
Where is a sign to determine according to the position of the camera regarding the world referente frame in axis.
Where and are the distances between the centres of the camera sensor elements.
The decomposition of projection matrix , does not guarantee that rotation matrix is orthogonal, therefore its orthogonality must be ensured. An easy way to do this is through SVD decomposition.
It is only necessary to replace matrix by the identity matrix to ensure that is orthogonal.
It is identical to the DLT 3D method except for the fact that coordinates are constant. Then, the number of parameters is reduced from eleven to eight, so only four calibration points are needed.
· Abdel-Aziz, Y.I., Karara, H.M. (1971). Direct linear transformation from comparator coordinates into object space coordinates in close-range photogrammetry. Proceedings of the Symposium on Close-Range Photogrammetry (pp. 1-18). Falls Church, VA: American Society of Photogrammetry. · Shapiro, R. (1978). Direct linear transformation method for three-dimensional cinematography. Res. Quart.49, 197-205. · Liu, H.T. (2001). Video-Based Stereoscopic Imaging and Measurement System (SIMS) for Undersea Applications. MTI/IEEE Proc. Oceans 2001 Conf., Honolulu, Hawaii. · Hatze, H. (1988). High-precision three-dimensional photogrammetric calibration and object space reconstruction using a modified DLT-approach. J. Biomech 21, 533-538.
Tsai method for calibration is based on the pin-hole camera model. This model transforms points in world reference frame to points in image reference frame . To simplify his calibration model compared to other models, Tsai supposes known some of the camera parameters like and , and if they are known with enough accuracy, it is also possible to introduce the central projection point as input data. Another simplification of the method consists of considering only radial distortion of the image, simplifying the model because most of the calculations are performed over linear equations. The transformation between world coordinates and image coordinates is carried out in four basic steps:
1.-Firstly, world coordinates are transformed into coordinates in camera reference frame using the rotation matrix and the translation vector , which are obtained during camera calibration.
2.-Next step consist of converting the coordinates of the points from camera reference frame to the sensor reference frame, without considering the distortion . To make this coordinate transformation, the perspective projection of the pin-hole camera geometry is used, so it is necessary to calibrate the focal length f of the camera.
3.-In the third step undistorted sensor coordinates are transformed to distorted sensor coordinates . In this step is necessary to have calibrated the radial distortion factor .
4.-In the last step the coordinates of the points are transformed from the sensor reference frame with distortion to image reference frame . In this step is necessary to have calibrated the camera scale factor . If manufacturer’s data related to the optical center are good enough, the calibration of these parameters can be obviated and the parameters given by the manufacturer can be used instead.
From the point of view of the Tsai calibration method, two different steps can be distinguished. In the first step, orientation of the camera is calculated, and also its position in and axis . In the second step is calculated an approximation to some of the parameters that will be used as initial values in the optimization. Those parameters are: effective focal legth , distortion coefficient and the position of the camera in axis . From the image captured by the camera, the screen coordinates of calibration points are extracted, with , and with the number of calibration points considered. When coplanar calibrations are used, it is not possible to determine the scale factor using Tsai method. If the camera used for calibration is digital, and relatively modern, it can be assured that this parameter will be one. If it is not the case, the camera must be calibrated using non-coplanar calibration gauge objects to obtain the correct value of . In 2D Tsai calibration method is established (if the real value is unknown) and depending on the camera type, calibration results will be or not the correct ones.
Where , , , and are the unknown terms of the equation, so at least five calibration points are needed to calibrate the camera.
If none of the rows and columns in matrix is null, can be calculated with:
On the other hand, if any of the rows or columns of matrix is null, will be calculated using the equation:
Where and made reference to the not null row or column elements of matrix. In the calculation of , it exists ambiguity in its sign, reason why it must be determined. For that, any calibration point is selected, being its coordinates in image reference frame far from the central point . Usually, the farthest calibration point is selected. Once determined point , its coordinates in world reference frame are considered, and the following calculations are performed:
If and have the same sign, and the same happens with and , then the sign of term is positive. Otherwise the sign for is negative. Once known the sign of , rotation matrix can be calculated, and also the position in axis .
In the term of the rotation matrix, the sign is still undefined. If the sign of is positive, while if , the sign of is negative.
Once obtained matrix, its ortogonality must be assured by the transformation to the associated Euler angles. After that, this transformation is undone. This way, the ortogonality of matrix is guaranteed. With the calculated values of , and can start the next step of the Tsai's method. As it is not possible to know a priori the radial distortion factor , it is supposed to be zero and approximated values for and are calculated. Those approximated values are used as initial values in the optimisation, allowing calculate the exact values of , and .
With the approximation calculated for in the above equation, it is possible to check if the orientation extracted from matrix is correct. If it is necessary to change the sign in some of the terms in matrix, and recalculate the approximations of and .
Once obtained all the calibration parameters, the following equation is optimized to obtain definitive values of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.
From the point of view of the Tsai calibration method, two different steps can be distinguished. In the first step, orientation of the camera is calculated, and also its position in and axis . In the second step is calculated an approximation to some of the parameters that will be used as initial values in the optimization. Those parameters are: effective focal legth , distortion coefficient and the position of the camera in axis . From the image captured by the camera, the screen coordinates of calibration points are extracted, with , and with the number of calibration points considered.To make the calculations of this step the approximation is established. The real value for the scale factor will be obtained in the optimization.
Where , , , , , y are the unknown terms of the equation, so at least seven calibration points are needed to calibrate the camera.
In the calculation of Ty, it exists ambiguity in its sign, reason why it must be determined. For that, any calibration point is selected, being its coordinates in image reference frame far from the central point . Usually, the farthest calibration point is selected. Once determined point , its coordinates in world reference frame are considered, and the following calculations are performed:
If and have the same sign, and the same happens with and , then the sign of term is positive. Otherwise the sign for is negative. The next step is to calculate the scale factor .
At this point, the rotation matrix can be obtained, and also the position in axis .
Once obtained matrix, its ortogonality must be assured by the transformation to the associated Euler angles. After that, this transformation is undone. This way, the ortogonality of matrix is guaranteed. With the calculated values of , and can start the next step of the Tsai's method. As it is not possible to know a priori the radial distortion factor k1, it is supposed to be zero and approximated values for f and Tz are calculated. Those approximated values are used as initial values in the optimization, allowing calculate the exact values of , and .
With the approximation calculated for in the above equation, it is possible to check if the orientation extracted from matrix is correct. If it is necessary to change the sign in some of the terms in matrix, and recalculate the approximations of and .
Once obtained all the calibration parameters, the following equation is optimized to obtain definitive values of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters.
· Tsai, R.Y. (1986). An Efficient and Accurate Camera Calibration Technique for 3D Machine Vision. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Miami Beach, FL, pp. 364-374. · Tsai, R.Y. (1987). A Versatile Camera Calibration Technique for High-Accuracy 3D Machine Vision Metrology Using Off-the-Shelf TV Cameras and Lenses. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. RA-3, No. 4, pp. 323-344. · Willson, R.G., & Shafer, S.A. (1994). What is the Center of the Image? Journal of the Optical Society of America A,Vol. 11, No. 11, pp.2946-2955. · Tapper, M., McKerrow, J., Abrantes, J. (2002). Problems Encountered in the Implementation of Tsai's Algorithm for Camera Calibration. Proc. 2002 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Auckland. · Kim, D. (2006). Camera Calibration. 2006-SN-003-EN Unpublished. Intelligent Systems Research Center. SungKyunKwan University. Korea.
The calibration method proposed by Faugeras is very similar to DLT 3D model where no optical defects are corrected.
This calibration method is to find a projection matrix that relates image coordinates with world coordinates .
Where is a scale factor. Being the projection matrix :
To obtain the twelve terms of the projection matrix it is enough to solve the following equation. Since each calibration point provides two equations, at least six calibration points are needed.
One way to solve the above equation, is to apply SVD decomposition to the matrix (another way could be through the calculation of the pseudoinverse of the matrix formed from the world coordinates of the points).
The twelve terms of the projection matrix would be the twelve elements of the last column of the matrix , obtained in the SVD decomposition. Once obtained the projection matrix , intrinsic and extrinsic parameters can be extracted form this matrix. The parameters can be easily calculated directly through decomposition of the matrix (it is also possible to calculate using QR decomposition).
The first step is to calculate the scale factor . The elements of the last row of the rotation matrix must meet:
Once normalized matrix, the camera parameters can be obtained.
Where is a sign to determine according to the position of the camera regarding the world referente frame in axis.
Where and are the distances between the centres of the camera sensor elements.
The decomposition of projection matrix , does not guarantee that rotation matrix is orthogonal, therefore its orthogonality must be ensured. An easy way to do this is through SVD decomposition.
It is only necessary to replace matrix by the identity matrix to ensure that is orthogonal.
To eliminate optical distortion during Faugeras calibration, correction polynomials are used, considering two coefficients of radial distortion correction and . Where: are the distorted image coordinates, are the image coordinates without distortion and are the distorted sensor coordinates.
First of all, an initial calibration according to Faugeras method is carried out to achieve an approximation to the projection matrix . Thus, form this approximation, it is possible to calculate the distortion coefficients and . To this end, the image coordinates without distortion are obtained using the world coordinates of the points and the projection matrix .
The distorted sensor coordinates are obtained from:
Once known the image coordinates without distortion and the distorted sensor coordinates, the equations of distortion correction can be written in matrix form:
Where are the distorted image coordinates obtained during the extraction of image points captured by the camera. Thus, it is possible to calculate an initial value to the distortion coefficients and . Once obtained the approximations to , and , an iterative method is used to minimize the objective function:
Where are the distorted image coordinates obtained adding deviation , due to distortion, to the image coordinates without distortion .
· Kim, D. (2006). Camera Calibration. 2006-SN-003-EN Unpublished. Intelligent Systems Research Center. SungKyunKwan University. Korea. · Faugeras, O. (1993). Three-Dimensional Computer Vision: A Geometric Viewpoint, The MIT Press.
Zhang model is a camera calibration method tha uses traditional calibration techniques (known calibration points) and self-calibration techniques (correspondence between the calibration points when they are in different positions). To perform a full calibration by the Zhang method at least three different images of the calibration gauge are required, either by moving the gauge or the camera itself. If some of the intrinsic parameters are given as data (orthogonality of the image or optical center coordinates) the number of images required can be reduced to two.
In a first step, an approximation of the estimated projection matrix with one of the classical calibration methods is obtained, usually DLT or Faugeras. Subsequently, applying self-calibration techniques, it is obtained the absolute conic matrix that allows us to calculate the intrinsic parameters matrix, and from this, the rotation and translation matrices for each of the images. Finally, radial distortion is modeled by means of two coefficients, and all the parameters obtained above are optimized, but taking into account the distortion.
First of all it is necessary to obtain an approximation of the projection matrix , which, by homography, permits relate the world coordinates to image coordinates of calibration points. the approximation to can be obtained using the DLT or Faugeras methods.
Where is a scale factor. As calibration points are coplanar, can be taken.
Once obtained the projection matrix an optimization is performed to improve it. The image coordinated are calculated using matrix, and also the world coordinates of the calibration points .
By minimizing function, we get a better approximation to matrix When matrix has been already improved, we can proceed with the absolute conic matrix calculation .
Where is a scale factor. y are ortonormal vectors.
Beeing a simetric matrix, it is possible to define the vector that would describe the absolute conic image as:
Using it is possible to define:
Where is the th row and th colum element of the matrix . For each of the planes we can define the homogeneous system of equations (each plane provides two equations related with its associated ):
By solving the avobe system (SVD decomposition) we obtain the vector , which allows us to calculate the intrinsic parameters matrix .
Starting from matrix and matrices of each plane it is possible to calculate the rotation matrices and translation vectors associated to each image.
Due to possible errors, both in the extraction of points as in the manufacture and gauge measurement, rotation matrix may not be orthogonal, therefore we must ensure their orthogonality. An easy way to do this is by SVD decomposition.
It is only necessary to replace matrix by identity matrix to ensure that is orthogonal. Once ensured the orthogonality of matrix , through a non linear optimization (Levenberg-Marquardt) the problem variables are refined by minimizing the equation:
Whre is the number of captured images of the gauge, is the number of gauge points and are the image coordinates obtained by:
The last step of the model is to correct the radial distortion caused by lenses in the image coordinates of the points. Being the ideal image coordinates (without distortion), the distorted image coordinates and the ideal screen coordinates, we have:
First it will be needed to calculate an approximation of the distortion coefficients and using the following equation and the pseudoinverse matrix method.
Once obained the estimation of the coefficients, it is performed an optimization similar to that used to refine the parameter matrices of the camera, but this time the below equation is minimized:
· Zhang, Z. (2000). A flexible new technique for camera calibration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(11):1330-1334. · Zhang, Z. (1999). Flexible Camera Calibration By Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientations. International Conference on Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, pages 666-673.
>> NCE Coefficient (Normalized Calibration Error)
NCE coefficient provides a value that gives an idea of the accuracy reached in a calibration test. This coefficient is independent of the conditions of the test (camera position and orientation, calibration gauge object position and orientation, camera field of view, camera resolution,...). Thus, not only several calibration test can be compared, but also it is possible to compare calibrations carried out with the different camera calibration methods without the influence of the peculiarities of each one.
Where: are the world coordinates of the calibration points; are the world coordinates of the calibration points calculated from theimage coordinates and from the parameters obtained in calibration; and y are the dimensions in and directions respectively, of the projection of a pixel in an orthogonal plane to the camera optical axis and is placed at distance from the camera optical center. In case of digital cameras with square pixels .
being the distance between the optical center of the camera and the plane that contains the calibration point .
If the reconstruction error of the calibration points is lower, in mean value, than the digitalization noise of one pixel for the calibration distance. For a value of the residual distortion is negligible compared to the noise of digitalization. And if , the camera calibration is inadequate.
>> NCE REFERENCES · Juyang, W., Cohen, P., Herniou, M., (1992). Camera Calibration with Distortion Models and Accuracy Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 965-980.
MetroVisionLab for Camera Calibration and Simulation |